明珠930 | TVB六月電影推薦:經典系列電影特別放送



明珠930 | TVB六月電影推薦:經典系列電影特別放送


1. 《移動迷宮》系列



  • 緊張刺激的情節:電影的節奏明快,充滿了懸念和危機,讓觀眾看得目不暇給。
  • 鮮明的角色:電影中的角色各具特色,讓人印象深刻。
  • 精美的視覺效果:電影的特效製作精良,為觀眾帶來了身臨其境的觀影體驗。

《移動迷宮》系列電影在全球獲得了商業上的成功,三部電影的總票房超過 9 億美元。電影也獲得了影評人的好評,被讚譽為 "一部引人入勝的青少年科幻電影"。

2. 《狂野時速》系列

《狂野時速》(Fast & Furious)系列電影是一部美國動作電影系列,由環球影業發行。該系列電影以非法賽車、犯罪和間諜活動為主題,講述了一群由唐米尼克·泰瑞托(唐老大)領導的賽車手和竊賊們的故事。3


  • 精彩的動作場面:電影中的動作場面非常精彩,包括飆車、槍戰、爆炸等。這些動作場面都經過精心設計和拍攝,讓觀眾看得目不暇給。

該系列電影在全球獲得了巨大的商業成功,總票房超過 60 億美元。

十四號晚開始,經典的《狂野時速》將登場,由Paul Walker和Vin Diesel主演,描繪非法賽車手與警方之間的對抗。十五號晚,續集《狂野極速2》將接續播出,Paul Walker再次領銜主演,展開更多驚險刺激的賽車冒險。

3. 《虎膽龍威》系列

《虎膽龍威》(Die Hard)系列電影是一系列動作電影,首集《虎膽龍威》由20世紀福克斯影業公司於1988年出品,根據1970年代羅德里克·索普小說《Nothing Lasts Forever》改編。


  • 緊張刺激的情節:電影的情節非常緊湊,充滿了懸念和危機,讓觀眾看得目不暇給。

十號晚, Bruce Willis主演的經典動作片《虎膽龍威》講述了紐約市警探約翰·麥克連(John McClane)在洛杉磯參加妻子公司聖誕派對時,遭遇一群恐怖分子劫持,他隻身一人與恐怖分子展開殊死搏鬥的故事。這部電影不僅是一部經典的動作片,還開創了現代動作電影的新標準。





十四號晚,《鐵血戰士》將登場。Arnold Schwarzenegger領銜主演,故事講述了一群美國特種部隊士兵在中美洲的叢林中執行任務時,遭遇了外星生物鐵血戰士,這場人類與外星生物的生死對決即將展開。

5. 《異形》系列




這部1979年的經典作品,由Sigourney Weaver主演,講述了一艘商業太空船諾斯特羅莫號在執行任務時,遭遇了一顆小行星,船員們登陸小行星後,發現了一艘外星飛船,並在飛船內發現了異形的卵,隨後展開了一場驚心動魄的生死搏鬥。



Maze Runner: The Scorch Trials 移動迷宮 焦土試煉 01/06/2024

In MAZE RUNNER: THE SCORCH TRIALS, the next chapter of the epic Maze Runner saga, Thomas and his fellow Gladers face their greatest challenge yet: searching for clues about the mysterious and powerful organization known as WCKD. Their journey takes them to the Scorch, a desolate landscape filled with unimaginable obstacles. Teaming up with resistance fighters, the Gladers take on WCKD’s vastly superior forces and uncover its shocking plans for them all.

在《移動迷宮 焦土試煉》中,史詩《移動迷宮》傳奇的下一章,托馬斯和他的空地同胞們面臨著迄今為止最大的挑戰:尋找有關神秘而強大的組織 WCKD 的線索。 他們的旅程將他們帶到焦土,這是一片荒涼的土地,充滿了難以想像的障礙。 空地人與抵抗戰士聯手對抗 WCKD 的優勢部隊,並揭露其令人震驚的計劃。

Maze Runner The Death Cure 移動迷宮 死亡解藥 02/06/2024

In the epic conclusion to the Maze Runner saga, Thomas leads his group of escaped Gladers on their final mission. To save their friends, they must break into the legendary Last City, a WCKD-controlled labyrinth that may turn out to be the deadliest maze of all! Anyone who makes it out alive will get answers to the questions the Gladers have been asking since they first arrived in the maze.

《移動迷宮》原著小說蟬聯【紐約時報】冠軍榜長達42星期,全球銷量更高達1,300萬冊;視覺特效鬼才韋斯保再三執導演筒,率領原班人馬,挑戰末日迷宮終極試煉,展開喘不過氣的連場激鬥。湯瑪士(戴倫奧拜恩)等跑手因泰莉莎(卡雅史葛拉迪奧)的背叛而慘遭WCKD組織突襲,敏浩(李基洪)為救同伴而被擄走,險些全軍覆沒。湯瑪士決心拯救敏浩,不顧性命安危,率領其他「極地者」少年戰士硬闖WCKD巢穴 — 決戰最危險致命的迷宮Last City!只有活著離開,才能掀開所有謎團,瓦解WCKD,結束一切!"

The Girl on the Train 列車上的女孩 03/06/2024

In this thriller, Rachel (Emily Blunt), who is devastated by her recent divorce, spends her daily commute fantasizing about the seemingly perfect couple who live in a house that her train passes every day, until one morning she sees something shocking happen there and becomes entangled in the mystery that unfolds.


Predator 鐵血戰士 04/06/204

Major Dutch Schaefer (Arnold Schwarzenegger) is the leader of a seasoned military rescue unit looking for allies captured by guerrillas in the Latin American jungle. Although at first it seems like a successful mission, something horrifying and inexplicable suddenly begins to happen: One by one the men are killed by a merciless, invisible, seemingly unstoppable extra-terrestrial enemy!


The Thing 怪形 05/06/2024

It all begins when scientists at an arctic research station discover an alien spacecraft under the thick ice, and thaw out the alien body found aboard. What they don't know is that the alien can assume any human form, and before long the scientists can't tell who's real and who's a deadly alien threat. Kurt Russell leads the battle against the terrifying intruder. Master of horror John Carpenter directs. So go ahead and watch it..if you dare!

一隊12人的探險隊,意外於南極發現一頭來自太空的異形,並被活埋於雪中達十萬年。為了徹底了解異形的構造,探險隊決定將之解凍, 怎料卻被異形逃脫,反向探險隊展開連串攻擊…

Terminator 3 Rise of the Machines 未來戰士3 殲滅者TX 06/06/2024

A decade has passed since John Connor (Nick Stahl) helped save humankind from mass destruction. Now 25, Connor lives “off the grid:” no home, credit cards, cell phone or job. No way he can be traced by Skynet, the highly developed network of machines that once tried to kill him and wage war on humanity. Until the appearance of the T-X (Kristanna Loken), Skynet's most sophisticated killing machine yet. Sent back through time to complete the job left unfinished by her predecessor, this machine is as relentless as her human guise is beautiful. Now Connor's only hope is the Terminator (Arnold Schwarzenegger), his mysterious former assassin. Together, they must triumph over the technologically superior T-X and forestall the looming threat of Judgment Day . . . or face the fall of civilization as we know it.

自從約翰康納(尼克史塔爾飾)幫助人類免於大規模毀滅以來,已經過去十年了。 現年 25 歲的康納過著「脫離電網」的生活:沒有家、沒有信用卡、沒有手機,也沒有工作。 天網不可能追蹤到他,天網是一個高度發展的機器網絡,曾經試圖殺死他並對人類發動戰爭。 直到天網迄今為止最先進的殺人機器 T-X(克里斯塔娜洛肯飾)的出現。 這台機器被送回過去,完成她前任未完成的工作,她的人類外表是美麗的,她也是無情的。 現在康納唯一的希望是終結者(阿諾史瓦辛格飾),他神秘的前刺客。 他們必須齊心協力克服技術先進的 T-X,並阻止審判日迫在眉睫的威脅。 。 。 或面對我們所知的文明的衰落。

Jumanji 逃出魔幻紀 07/06/2024

Four teenagers are sucked into a magical video game, and the only way they can escape is to work together to finish the game.


Godzilla 哥斯拉 08/06/2024

A huge radiation-created monster is on a terrifying trek to the densely populated island of Manhattan, leaving a trail of ruin and panic in its awful wake. Despite their often conflicting agendas and motives, a scientist (Matthew Broderick), a TV reporter (Maria Pitillo), a cameraman (Hank Azaria) and an enigmatic French insurance investigator (Jean Reno) must join forces to prevent it from reducing the great metropolis to a pile of rubble.


Mad Max Fury Road 末日先鋒 戰甲飛車 09/06/2024

From filmmaker George Miller, originator of the post-apocalyptic genre and mastermind behind the legendary Mad Max trilogy, comes this return to the world of the Road Warrior, Max Rockatansky. Haunted by his turbulent past, Mad Max (Tom Hardy -- The Dark Knight Rises) believes the best way to survive is to wander alone. Nevertheless, he becomes swept up with a band of survivors fleeing across the Wasteland in a war rig driven by an elite Imperator, Furiosa (Oscar ® winner Charlize Theron-- Prometheus). They are escaping a Citadel tyrannized by the Immortan Joe (Hugh Keays-Byrne), from whom something irreplaceable has been taken. Enraged, the Warlord marshals all his gangs and ruthlessly pursues the rebels in the high-octane Road War that follows.

後末日電影《開路先鋒》系列導演佐治米勒重出江湖,全新作品重啟瘋狂公路戰!麥斯 (湯哈迪 飾) 經歷過去的慘痛往事,認為獨自流浪是最佳的生存之道。儘管如此,他仍然被一群以指揮官芙莉歐莎(查理絲花朗 飾) 為首的飛車難民堵上了。他們逃出惡行昭彰的獨裁軍閥強權管治下的避難所,並偷走了他的寶物。麥斯與逃黨們前無去路、後有追兵,烽煙四起的公路追擊戰一觸即發!

Die Hard 虎膽龍威 10/06/2024

Danny Glover stars in this electrifying sequel as a police lieutenant grappling with a pileup of mangled bodies found by his officers. But instead of being the work of feuding gangs, as he first thought, the vicious slayings have been perpetrated by a deadly, invisible alien creature. Now, not only is the alien in the urban jungle of Los Angeles – the lieutenant is its next intended target!


Predator 2 鐵血戰士續集 11/06/2024

Danny Glover stars in this electrifying sequel as a police lieutenant grappling with a pileup of mangled bodies found by his officers. But instead of being the work of feuding gangs, as he first thought, the vicious slayings have been perpetrated by a deadly, invisible alien creature. Now, not only is the alien in the urban jungle of Los Angeles – the lieutenant is its next intended target!


La Belle Époque 擁抱美好時光 12/06/2024

Victor, sixty-something, has his life turned upside down the day that Antoine, a flourishing entrepreneur, offers him a unique new brand of entertainment. Using a combination of theatrical artifice and historical re-enactment, his company gives its clients the opportunity to delve back into the period of their choice. Victor decides to relive the most memorable week of his existence, 40 years earlier, when he met the love of his life...


Gone in Sixty Seconds 極速60秒 13/6/2024

Fasten your seatbelts for the extended ride of your life in this high- performance, fuel- injected Gone In 60 Seconds Director’s Cut from producer Jerry Bruckheimer (National Treasure, Pirates Of The Caribbean: The Curse Of The Black Pearl. Never- before- seen footage and amped- up sound add fuel to this already high- octane action hit, starring Nicolas Cage, Robert Duvall and sexy Angelina Jolie. A legendary car booster (Cage) thought he left the fast lane behind him, until he’s forced out of retirement to save his kid brother from the wrath of an evil mobster. It’s nothing less than a full- throttle race to pull off the ultimate car heist: 50 exotic beauties in 24 hours – and the cops are already onto them!

這部高性能、燃油噴射的《極速60 秒》導演剪輯版由製片人傑瑞布魯克海默(《國家寶藏》、《加勒比海盜:黑珍珠號的詛咒》)製作,請繫好安全帶,享受人生中的漫長旅程。前所未見鏡頭和增強的聲音為這部由尼古拉斯·基治、羅伯特·杜瓦爾和性感的安吉麗娜·朱莉主演的本已高辛烷值的動作片增添了動力。一位傳奇的汽車支持者(基治)以為他已經離開了快車道- 直到他被迫退出退休生活從邪惡暴徒的憤怒中拯救他的弟弟。這無異於一場全力以赴的競賽,完成終極汽車搶劫:24 小時內50 名異國美女- 而且警察已經盯上了她們!

The Fast and the Furious 狂野時速 14/06/2024

"The Fast and the Furious" is the blockbuster hit that electrified summer audiences and raised the bar for action films! Paul Walker stars as an undercover cop who infiltrates an illegal street-racing gang led by the charismatic Vin Diesel. High-octane action and captivating car races fill this dazzling thrill-ride!


2 Fast 2 Furious 狂野極速2 15/06/2024

The Fast and the Furious, the box-office phenomenon of 2001, raised the bar for super-charged action. 2 Fast 2 Furious leaves it in the dust! Paul Walker returns to the world of high-octane street racing, this time transporting a shipment of "dirty" money for a shady businessman (Cole Hauser). Rap superstars Ludacris, Tyrese, and Fabolous co-star, along with sizzling newcomer Eva Mendes (Training Day). Academy Award nominated director John Singleton takes over helming duties, with Neil Moritz (Sweet Home Alabama) producing. 2 Fast 2 Furious features never before seen vehicles and amazing car stunts!


The Fast and the Furious Tokyo Drift 狂野極速:飄移東京 16/06/2024

Sean is often ostracized by his classmates. His only interest is illegal racing on the streets, but he gets into great trouble. He is forced to flee to Japan, where he accidentally comes into contact with the drifting technology of racing cars. Later, he met a powerful enemy and suffered his first defeat. In order to repay his debt, he must step into the underground world of Tokyo and work for the local gang...


Die Hard 2 虎膽龍威續集 17/06/2024

John McClane is forced to battle mercenaries who seize control of an airport's communications and threaten to cause plane crashes if their demands are not met.

原本一心接妻子機共渡佳節的John (布斯韋利士飾),碰上一班恐怖份子控制機場。他們以飛機上乘客的安危作為要脅,企圖劫走被押解過境的毒品大王。John再次要跟恐怖份子周旋,為求拯救在飛機上的妻子。

Armageddon 絕世天劫 18/06/2024

At 4:49 a.m. Eastern Standard Time, the Shuttle Atlantis disappears in space. Hours later, without warning, a meteor shower pummels the Eastern seaboard from Finland to South Carolina. The damage is only a precursor: an asteroid the size of Texas is headed our way at 22,000 mph. Its impact would mean the end of mankind. With only 18 days to spare, NASA discovers the “Global Killer” bearing down on Earth. NASA’s Director, Dan Truman (BILLY BOB THORNTON) is left with only one option—send a crew up to destroy the asteroid. Truman enlists the help of Harry S. Stamper (BRUCE WILLIS), the world’s foremost deep core oil driller. Harry, along with his roughneck team of drillers, only have 12 days to train and become “astronauts.” Provided with NASA’s state-of-the-art equipment and the finest military pilots, Stamper and his Dirty Dozen crew must land on the asteroid, drill into its surface and drop a nuclear device into its core. On this heroic journey, they face the most physically and emotionally trying conditions ever encountered ... to save the world and prevent ARMAGEDDON.

東部標準時間凌晨 4 點 49 分,亞特蘭提斯號太空梭消失在太空中。 幾個小時後,在沒有任何警告的情況下,一場流星雨襲擊了從芬蘭到南卡羅來納州的東海岸。 這次損害只是一個前兆:一顆德州大小的小行星正以每小時 22,000 英里的速度向我們襲來。 它的影響將意味著人類的終結。 只剩下 18 天的時間,NASA 發現「全球殺手」正逼近地球。 美國太空總署局長丹·杜魯門(比利·鮑伯·松頓飾)只剩下一個選擇——派出一組人員去摧毀這顆小行星。 杜魯門尋求世界上最重要的深層石油鑽探者哈利·S·斯坦珀(布魯斯·威利斯飾)的幫助。 哈利和他的鑽工團隊只有 12 天的時間來訓練並成為「太空人」。 憑藉美國宇航局最先進的設備和最優秀的軍事飛行員,斯坦珀和他的“十二十二”隊員必須降落在小行星上,鑽入其表面並將核裝置投入其核心。 在這段英勇的旅程中,他們面臨著有史以來最艱難的身體和情感條件……為了拯救世界並阻止世界末日。

La Famille Bélier 閃亮的歌聲 19/06/2024

In the Belier family, everyone is deaf except Paula, 16. She is an essential interpreter for her parents on a daily level, particularly where the running of the family farm is concerned. One day, urged on by her music teacher who has discovered her talent for singing, she decides to prepare for the Radio France Choir audition. A life choice that will distance her from her family and force her to grow up.


The Day the Earth Stood Still 地球停轉日 20/06/2024

In THE DAY THE EARTH STOOD STILL, a contemporary reinvention of the 1951 science fiction classic, renowned scientist Dr. Helen Benson (Jennifer Connelly) finds herself face to face with an alien called Klaatu (Keanu Reeves), who travels across the universe to warn of an impending global crisis. When forces beyond Helen’s control treat the extraterrestrial as a hostile and deny his request to address the world’s leaders, she and her estranged stepson Jacob (Jaden Smith) quickly discover the deadly ramifications of Klaatu’s claim that he is “a friend to the Earth.” Now Helen must find a way to convince the entity who was sent to destroy us that mankind is worth saving – but it may be too late.

在《地球靜止之日》中,著名科學家海倫·本森博士(珍妮佛·康納利飾)與一位名叫克拉圖(基努·李維飾)的外星人面對面,後者穿越宇宙發出警告。 當海倫無法控制的力量將外星人視為敵對分子並拒絕他向世界領導人發表講話的請求時,她和她疏遠的繼子雅各布(賈登史密斯飾)很快就發現了克拉圖聲稱自己是「地球的朋友」的致命後果。 現在,海倫必須找到一種方法,讓被派來毀滅我們的實體相信人類值得拯救——但可能為時已晚。

Fast & Furious 狂野時速4 21/06/2024

"Fast 4" has summoned the original cast members Yundi Su and Paul Walker together with sexy beauties Michelle Gigis and Giordana Busta to join "Dead Man", "Special Force 2" and "The Devil" The team of "Legend" returned to the streets of Los Angeles and created a large number of hot and exciting racing scenes. They drove various new models of explosive tanks at high speeds across Los Angeles and even the Mexican desert. Scenes of thrilling car fights, chases and chaotic scenes of collisions. It is sure to make the blood of racing fans boil! A criminal conspiracy brings the fugitive Adam (Yundisu) and his sworn enemy Bayern (Paul Walker) back together in Los Angeles. Old and new hatreds are on the verge of breaking out. However, when the two discover that they are facing the same enemy, The two of them can only work together to fight against the enemy, using their extraordinary speeding skills and strategies to defeat the enemy at lightning speed!

《狂野時速4》召集原班人馬雲迪素、保羅獲加聯同性感美女米雪露芝姬絲及佐丹娜布絲達,加入《殺神特攻》《職業特攻隊2》《魔間傳奇》班底,重返洛杉磯街頭,炮製大量火爆刺激賽車場面,駕駛各款新型號型爆戰車橫貫洛杉磯以至墨西哥沙漠極速狂飆,一幕幕動魄驚心的鬥車、追逐及碰撞的混亂場面,定必令一眾賽車迷血脈沸騰!一個犯罪陰謀令淪為逃犯的阿當(雲迪素 飾)與死敵拜仁(保羅獲加 飾)於洛杉磯再度踫頭,新仇舊恨一觸即發,然而當二人發現面對著同樣的敵人時,他倆唯有聯手抗敵,以非凡的飛車技術及策略計謀,在風馳電掣間擊敗敵人!

Fast Five 狂野時速5 22/06/2024

Vin Diesel and Paul Walker lead a reunion of returning all-stars from every chapter of the explosive franchise built on speed in Fast Five. In this installment, additional returning favorites Jordana Brewster, Chris Ludacris Bridges, and Tyrese Gibson, assemble for a high-stakes race that places an unlikely alliance of cops and racers in from Rio de Janeiro. In Brazil they must defeat a corrupt businessman who wants them all dead. Dwayne Johnson joins the cast as the dogged federal agent whose strike team tears through South America in hot pursuit, but soon has a difficult time determining the good men from the bad.

拜仁(保羅獲加 飾)和美亞截擊囚車救走阿當(雲迪素 飾)後,三人克服重重障礙逃到里約熱內盧,為了奪得巨款換取永遠自由,竟召集多位身手超凡的舊戰友,飛車洗劫當地黑社會頭目的錢莊!不過矢志捉拿他們的幹探何(狄維莊遜 飾) 亦由美國遠道而來,一場難分情與義、正和邪的極速生死鬥,勢將引爆!

Furious 6 狂野時速6 23/06/2024

Vin Diesel, Paul Walker and Dwayne Johnson lead the returning cast of all-stars as the blockbuster franchise built on speed races to its next continent for the most high stakes adventure yet! Hobbs (Johnson) has been tracking an organization of lethally skilled mercenary drivers across 12 countries. The only way to stop the criminal outfit is to outmatch them at street level, so Hobbs asks Dom to assemble his elite team in London. Hold on tight! Fast & Furious 6 takes the narrative, stunts and action to even greater heights!

以阿當 (雲迪素 飾) 為首的飊車團隊,在洗劫毒梟後於各地重過新生。一天刑警賀斯 (狄維莊遜 飾) 突然造訪,並以清除他和拜仁 (保羅獲加 飾) 等人的犯罪紀錄,利誘阿當協捕由奧雲 (盧克伊雲斯 飾) 率領的機動兵團;但更令阿當無法拒絕的,是這班悍匪中的一名要員,竟是他本應死去的女友莉迪 (米雪露芝姬絲 飾)!為了揭開真相和重返家鄉,阿當與昔日戰友再次跳上超級跑車,跟旗鼓相當的敵手展開亡命極速追逐戰!

Alien 異形 24/06/2024

When the crew of the space-tug Nostromo responds to a distress signal from a barren planet, they discover a deadly life form that breeds within human hosts. Now the crew must fight to stay alive and prevent the creature from reaching Earth. Directed by Ridley Scott and starring Sigourney Weaver in her breakout performance, this legendary first film in the Alien saga will leave you breathless!


Aliens 異形續集 25/06/2024

The terror continues in this chilling, critically acclaimed sequel as Ripley (Sigourney Weaver), the sole survivor of the Nostromo’s deadly encounter with the monstrous Alien, returns to Earth after drifting through space in hypersleep for 57 years. Although her story is initially met with skepticism, she agrees to accompany a team of Colonial Marines back to LV-246...and this time it’s war!


Alien 3 異形第三集 26/06/2024

After escaping from the alien planet, the ship carrying Ellen Ripley crashes onto a remote and inhabited ore refinery. While living in the ore refinery until she is rescued by her employers, Ripley discovers the horrifying reason for her crash: an alien stowaway. As the alien matures and begins to kill off the inhabitants, Ripley is unaware that her true enemy is more than just the killer alien.


Alien vs. Predator 異獸戰 27/06/2024

The iconic creatures from two of the scariest film franchises ever made battle for supremacy--on Earth. The discovery of an ancient pyramid buried under the Antarctic ice sends a team of scientists and adventurers to the frozen continent. Once there, curiosity turns to terror as two devastating alien races wage war, with the fate of humanity in the balance. Whoever wins...we lose.


Furious 7 狂野時速7 28/06/2024

Continuing the global exploits in the franchise built on speed, Vin Diesel leads the returning cast of "Furious 7." After defeating Owen Shaw and his crew, Dominic Toretto (Vin Diesel), Brian O'Conner (Paul Walker) and the rest of the crew return to the United States to finally live a seemingly normal life... or so they thought. Little did they know that Owen’s older brother, Deckard Shaw (Jason Statham), is out for revenge for the death of his brother, putting Dominic and the entire crew in danger, once again. Meanwhile, the crew sets out to find the man who killed Han…before he finds them first. James Wan directs this chapter of the hugely successful series, and Neal H. Moritz and Vin Diesel return as producers.

以阿當 (雲迪素 飾) 及拜仁 (保羅獲加 飾) 為首的飊車團隊,被矢志為弟報仇的狄卡 (積遜史達頓 飾) 步步進逼,繼韓在東京被其殺害之後,就連特警賀斯(狄維莊遜 飾) 亦成了狙擊目標!狄卡心狠手辣又神出鬼,視同伴為家人的阿當為把對方揪出,必先奪得能入侵任何網絡的「天眼」,他們為此駕駛戰車上天下地,凌空穿插於阿布扎比的摩天大樓,再掟彎剷入熟悉的洛杉磯街頭,跟敵手引爆最狂最野的終極生死戰!

Fast & Furious Presents: Hobbs & Shaw 狂野時速:雙雄聯盟 29/06/2024

Dwayne Johnson and Jason Statham reprise their roles as lawman Luke Hobbs and outcast Deckard Shaw in “Fast & Furious Presents: Hobbs & Shaw,” the first stand-alone entry in the international blockbuster franchise. The trash-talking sworn enemies must team up to take down a cyber-genetically enhanced anarchist (Idris Elba) with a bio weapon that threatens the fate of humanity. The film also stars Vanessa Kirby as Deckard’s sister Hattie, Cliff Curtis as Luke’s brother Jonah, and Academy Award® winner Helen Mirren as Deckard and Hattie’s mother, Queenie Shaw.

《狂野時速》系列前後共推出8部電影,大受影迷喜愛,全球共累積高達50億美元的驚人票房。今年暑假首度推出以狄維莊遜及積遜史達頓為主角的外傳 —《狂野時速:雙雄聯盟》(Fast & Furious: Hobbs & Shaw)!「環球影業」榮譽發行,由《死侍2》導演掌舵,《狂野時速》系列班底炮製,實行火爆動作、狂野飛車、串爆鬥嘴共冶一爐,耳目一新!這次更飛馳到世界各地,由洛杉磯到倫敦,跨越核廢墟切爾諾貝爾到人間樂土薩摩亞,誓必為《狂野時速》系列闖開新一章!

Spider-Man: No Way Home 蜘蛛俠:不戰無歸 30/06/2024

For the first time in the cinematic history of Spider-Man, our friendly neighborhood hero's identity is revealed, bringing his Super Hero responsibilities into conflict with his normal life and putting those he cares about most at risk. When he enlists Doctor Strange's help to restore his secret, the spell tears a hole in their world, releasing the most powerful villains who've ever fought a Spider-Man in any universe. Now, Peter will have to overcome his greatest challenge yet, which will not only forever alter his own future but the future of the Multiverse.


明珠930 | 一月電影精選:精選動作冒險鉅獻!
明珠930 | 一月電影精選:精選動作冒險鉅獻!
綜藝2024-12-30 00:00
明珠930 | 十二月電影精選:【動作冒險】重量級猛片大集結,不能錯過的超強系列!

明珠930 | 十二月電影精選:【動作冒險】重量級猛片大集結,不能錯過的超強系列!

【動作冒險】重量級猛片大集結,不能錯過的超強系列!F9 狂野時速9 - 飆車動作鉅製再度回歸想看飆車、動作場面、家庭溫情一次滿足?《狂野時速9》帶來了前所未有的視覺饗宴!馮迪索領軍的飆車團隊不只上山下海,這次更要挑戰太空極限!神探俏嬌娃 - 顛覆傳統諜報動作片女力當道!全新《神探俏嬌娃》以現代視角重新演繹經典特務故事,集美貌與智慧於一身的特務們,將帶來一場精彩絕倫的諜報冒險。【奇幻冒險】跨越次元的


明珠930 | 十一月電影精選:叛諜追擊與移動迷宮系列精彩上映

明珠930 | 十一月電影精選:叛諜追擊與移動迷宮系列精彩上映



明珠930 | 十月電影狂歡:超人特工隊2、Madam 系列及更多精彩巨獻

明珠930 | 十月電影狂歡:超人特工隊2、Madam 系列及更多精彩巨獻

超人特工隊2:家庭與英雄主義的完美結合明珠首映十月鉅片《超人特工隊2》!這部動畫片將帶您進入超能力家庭的冒險旅程,融合幽默與感人的家庭情感,探索如何在拯救世界的同時解決家庭生活中的挑戰。Melissa McCarthy 主演的 Madam 系列:爆笑與動作的完美融合《熱爆MADAM》:女警察的爆笑冒險Sandra Bullock 與 Melissa McCarthy 在《熱爆MADAM》中攜手合作


明珠930 | 九月電影盛宴

明珠930 | 九月電影盛宴

本月電影盛宴:Marvel與DC超級英雄系列及科幻巨作強勢來襲Marvel 超級英雄系列:每週六晚不容錯過《復仇者聯盟3:無限之戰》:宇宙級戰鬥的史詩之作本月的週六晚,我們將播放《復仇者聯盟3:無限之戰》。這部電影講述了泰坦尼亞斯企圖收集無限寶石以毀滅宇宙一半生命,復仇者聯盟必須聯手對抗這個強大的敵人。影片呈現了震撼的宇宙戰爭場面,探討生命價值與英雄主義的主題。DC 超級英雄系列:每週日晚震撼登場


明珠930 | 八月電影電影盛宴

明珠930 | 八月電影電影盛宴

本月電影盛宴:Marvel 超級英雄系列與 DC 超級英雄系列Marvel 超級英雄系列:每週六晚精彩不斷《Guardian of the Galaxy Vol. 2 星際異攻隊2》:漫威宇宙的續集冒險這部續集電影講述了星爵與他的星際異攻隊成員繼續踏上冒險之旅,並發現了他的身世。與星爵的父親 Ego 的相遇成為影片的高潮。電影探討了家庭、友誼和身份認同等主題,同時也呈現了迷人的視覺效果和幽默的對話


明珠930 | TVB七月電影推薦:經典系列電影特別放送

明珠930 | TVB七月電影推薦:經典系列電影特別放送



明珠930 | TVB五月電影盤點 明珠台每晚播放電影即刻睇!

明珠930 | TVB五月電影盤點 明珠台每晚播放電影即刻睇!

明珠930五月電影盤點! 今個月一大堆動作巨片等住你,分別有:盜墓迷城系列, 剌客特攻系列, 生化危機系列, 仲有災片明日之後, 活火熔城等等!Transporter 2 換命快遞2 01/05/2024Jason Statham returns as a highly skilled driver and ex-commando who's called back into action


明珠930 | TVB四月電影盤點 明珠台每晚播放電影即刻睇!

明珠930 | TVB四月電影盤點 明珠台每晚播放電影即刻睇!

明珠930四月電影盤點! 大白鯊系列, 哥斯拉系列, 生化危機系列等等,四月大片分別有:Spotlight 焦點追擊 1/4/2024Starring Michael Keaton, Mark Ruffalo, Rachel McAdams, Liev Schrieber, Brian D’Arcy James and Stanley Tucci, SPOTLIGHT tells the r


明珠930| TVB三月電影盤點  明珠台每晚播放電影即刻睇!

明珠930| TVB三月電影盤點 明珠台每晚播放電影即刻睇!

明珠930三月電影盤點! TVB明珠台每晚9時30分將會上演多套國際大片,包括《虎膽龍威》,《鐵逹尼號》, 《未來戰士》, 《回到未來第三集》, 《叛碟追擊》系列等等, 不容錯過,明珠930的3月大片分別有:Die Hard 虎膽龍威 1/3/2024New York policeman John McClane (Bruce Willis) flies to Los Angeles bea



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